Cutting Access Does NOT Equal Fewer Abortions
Why must I keep stating this?? It's simple logic: when women cannot access birth control, they will get pregnant and if they don't want...
Not So Straight Anymore
So what's the deal with all these identities??? They keep adding, changing, expanding, and if you identify as 100% hetero, it can be very...
Grindr and HIV Testing
It's so amazing sometimes, this technologically-surrounded world we live in. Grindr, which is a "dating" app for gay men (dating is in...
#tbt: What We Need to Teach Young Women About Their Bodies by Ruth Miller
Originally posted on August 28th at 1:45pm This is a MUST share. Every time I teach sexual health, I ALWAYS get questions about women’s...
Condom Distribution is NOT a Substitution for Education
Who woulda thought? Well, this clearly wasn't thought out in the 1990s when a few high schools began distributing free condoms to...